N°20 Autumn 2012
Summary of our "Autumn 2012" issue:
- Cryostar drives LNG/LCNG forward with N. American launch
- Cryostar technology in demand for mega GTL installations
- MCP pumps - 10 years of success
- CORC (cryogenic organic rankine cycle)
- News & Cryostar Training Center

N°19 Spring 2012
Summary of our "Spring 2012" issue:
- Centres of excellence
- Cryostar and Linde Dresden combine forces for the geothermal market
- Digital controls bring AMB equipment right up to date
- CORC (cryogenic organic rankine cycle)
- News / Training Centre

N°18 Autumn 2011
Summary of our "Autumn 2011" issue:
- Centrifugal compressors come ashore
- Chile plant installation marks new high for Cryostar
- Cryostar wins over China PNG project partners
- News / Training Centre

N°17 Spring 2011
Summary of our "Autumn 2015" issue:
- On track for project success
- New dispenser for LNG vehicle refuelling
- Design finesse for LNG carriers
- Cryostar: the purchasing organisation
- News

N°16 Autumn 2010
Summary of our "Autumn 2010" issue:
- Terminal decisions
- The road to recovery
- Training Asia
- Conference
- Innovation
- News Training Centre

N°15 Spring 2010
Summary of our "Spring 2010" issue:
- Powering the future
- Cryostar grows in Brazil
- Business realigned
- Spanning 3 decades
- Refuelling your world
- News / Training Centre

N°14 Autumn 2009
Summary of our "Autumn 2009" issue:
- Offshore Benefits
- Liquid Expanders
- Geothermal Project
- API Standard
- BOG Compressors
- News Training

N°13 Spring 2009
Summary of our "Spring 2009" issue:
- Pump it up
- LNG Motoring
- Smart Plant
- Commissioning Story
- Business Centres
- News Training

N°12 Autumn 2008
Summary of our "Autumn 2008" issue:
- Plain sailing
- Testing time
- Award
- Investing in success
- Natural Gas
- News Training

N°11 Spring 2008
Summary of our "Spring 2008" issue:
- Selling success
- Clean energy
- Green solution
- Eastern promise
- Hydrocarbons go large
- News Training