Your request will be answered promptly thanks to our 24 hour customer helpline.
Wherever you are, we have one of our teams nearby. Our product specialists will give you immediate technical assistance by phone, and can launch an urgent intervention where necessary.
We can be contacted 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Headquarters in France:
- +33 (0)6 32 62 52 94
Business Centers :
- USA : CRYOSTAR USA LLC : +1 562 394 3239
- UK : CRYOSTAR UK : +44 1709 702 777
- Singapour : CRYOSTAR SINGAPORE : +65 276 7441
- China : CRYOSTAR CHINA : (0086) 18858270169
- Brazil : CRYOSTAR BRAZIL : +55 19 97151-9028